January 29, 2014

2013 Virginia Film Festival


2013 was the third year we’ve collaborated with the amazing folks over at the Virginia Film Festival. Our goal was to create a campaign that spoke to the scope of the Festival and it’s impact on the city of Charlottesville while feeling connected to what makes Charlottesville such a great place to be.



We presented 8 or so concepts to the organizers and staff and hands down the concept that won – hot air balloons. If you have spent any time in Charlottesville on a gorgeous Autumn morning, you will undoubtedly see a small fleet of hot air balloons lazily drifting over the city; and no one tires of such a site. These gloriously simple craft have a way of inspiring people and in a small way, unite our community through a shared experience (even if it’s just spotting them from the ground). 



IMG_4047Taking this inspiration, sketches were drawn, tracings were refined, scans were digitized and slowly but surely the balloon took on its final form. This was then translated into posters, ads, t-shirts, mailers, and ultimately a 2-story banner that stretched up the side of a downtown parking garage.

Click here to visit the project in our portfolio and check out some more of the supporting collateral!